How to add the ID9 interface to BMW Android GPS screen?
This post is the guide to add the latest BMW ID9 (BMW iDrive 9) style interface to BMW Android GPS. Please so kind to read this blog post carefully before operation.
Q1: Which models can be upgraded with ID9 menu?
(1) Only the Android 13 model with snapdragon 685 can be upgraded with ID9 menu. The old model snapdragon 662 can not add this new interface. How to identify the Snapdragon 685 model? it can identify from system info (the path is : settings/ information).

"ALS" is the product code, all our products with this code, other seller's products with different product code.
"Ksw" is the code of R&D company (software developer & core board supplier).
"NBT" (example), is the iDrive version for your car, you can identify the "OEM " type by checking this info (about "OEM", will talk in details as below content)
"v1.4.4" is the current software OS version, for now, it need to update the software to V1.5.5 or V1.5.6, then can add the ID9 menu.
"13-685", it means your android screen is base on "Android 13, using snapdragon 685 CPU", it support to add ID9 menu.
If you bought the unit from other sellers (can identify by product code "ALS"), we NOT recommend using our software to update it, because your unit might be different, it might harmful to your Android system, we don't take any responsibility for the trouble you might have (if you keep doing that) ,
You should contact your seller and get the correct software for your unit.
Q2: What need to notice when updating the firmware?
(1) Check and make sure your model is Android 13 model (snapdragon 685);
(2) Check your current firmware version.
Please notice, the version V1.5.5 or V1.5.6 is support ID9 menu, thus,
if your model with lower version (such as above photo, it is V1.4.4), it need to upgrade the firmware to this two vesions (V1.5.5 or V1.5.6).
(3) It need update "OEM" firmware (EVO & other iDrive version is different).
Update the "OEM " firmware, so that it can add the "ID9" option to factory menu.
Q3: Where to download the package?
(1) Android v1.5.6 :
Witstek-T-M700_OS_v1.5.6-ota (1.75GB), Download
When you update it, just copy the zip file you download, no need to unzip it, just copy it to the root of U-disk directly. The USB drive, we recommend 4GB/8GB/16GB, Maxinum 32GB, do not use too big capacity USB drive, and notice: format as "FAT32" before copying the software.
(2) OEM files:
(Note: the OEM files, it have two car types, they are different)
A, For CCC, CIC, NBT & The cars without OEM screen:
Download the "OEM" file.
B, For EVO car types, the OEM file is different,
Download the EVO "OEM"file.
PS: Send us a photo of software version (& order number) if you not sure which idrive version for your model.
After download the "OEM" (zip file), it need to unzip the file (decompress it),
you will see a folder named "OEM", inside is " factory_config.xml". you should copy the folder "OEM" to the root of U-disk, but notice below:
The correct is (inside of the U disk, it just ONLY ONE folder named "OEM"), The patch should be :
U-disk: OEM/ factory_config.xml
All below 3 case are wrong (a lot of friends made mistake):
(NO.1 has two folder; NO.2 is unzip the file after download, NO.3 is the firmware in the root of U-disk, all these case, the system can not detect and read it)
U-disk: OEM/OEM/ factory_config.xml (Most people do this, that is wrong!!)
U-disk: OEM.rar
U-disk: factory_config.xml
Q3: How to update the firmware?
First update the firmware to V1.5.6, Then update the "OEM" file, then restart it, Please check the video.
During the software updating, it CAN NOT power off the car engine, can not cut off the power, if not, it might big trouble and make it should know and afford this risk on your own, we don't have any responsibility on this!!!
Q4, About support of firmware update?
If you are HIFIMAX customer, you can send us the email directly, tell us your order number (it is need). All HIFIMAX customers enjoy free firmware update and life-time email or online supports.
If you bought the products from other reseller / dealer / distributor, we reserve the rights when offer the service, we suggest you to check with your sellfer directly. We dislike to jump over our cooperated dealer and talk with their customers directly.