What is BMW CCC, CIC, NBT, EVO System?
RE: So far, the factory BMW radio head unit contains these systems: CCC, CIC, NBT, EVO (iD5 /ID6), you can take a look the photo showed as below:

Why check the factory system?
When we check the car compatibility, we need to check the original BMW system, because by looking at the BMW system, we will know what kind of BMW factory LVDS it contains.
Normally The BMW system and it's LVDS with such relationship:
CCC menu, 10 Pin LVDS
CIC menu, 4 Pin LVDS
NBT menu, 6 Pin LVDS
EVO menu, 6 Pin LVDS.
When we design our models, we need to design the same LVDS type as a factory car.

(original BMW LVDS connector)
For example, if you have a BMW X5 E70 with the CCC menu, it's LVDS is 10 PIN, then should order B215 (with10 Pin LVDS). If you order the wrong model B225, that would be big trouble, since the B225 has 4 PIN LVDS, it can not install it to the car.
To avoid wrong ordering, we suggest to send the photo of the original menu to us to confirm the car compatibility.