How to install the bracket of BMW Z4 E85 E86 Android Screen?
The BMW Z4 E85 E86 with OEM screen, it install the models same as BMW X3 E83 (With OEM screen), because it not specific design for the Z4 model, thus, the bracket from X3 E83 model might not perfectly fix the Z4 model. If you do care these "flaw", please don't order it.
How to fix the bracket ?
(1) Two clips (on the bracket of android screen) stuck to the back of original hole on the dashboard.

(2) The front bracket (of android screen) hold it in place with the car trim panel (the silver trim hold down the bracket, as below photo).

After install the bracket, on the side, you still see there is a small "gap" that can not fully covered by the bracket, this is the flaw of this model.
Since the Z4 E85/E86 with OEM screen is small market demand, It not design a specific model for it. If you do care this flaw, not recommend you to order it.

For the small gap, you can manage to cover it by sticker, like leather sticker, glue, tape, etc, or just leave it alone, that is very small gap.