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FAQs > Settings & firmware > Q5: How to update the firmware?


1), Remove all USB/SD card from your current android screen first (such as SD card for GPS map, or external USB dongle for music etc, remove all of them first).

2), Prepare a new USB-disk, and copy the firmware to the USB - disk, (Don't decompress it, just copy the file you download)

3) Power off the car first (cut the power first)

4) Insert the USB-disk to USB cable (from android screen).

5) Power on the car ( I means after inserted the USB disk, then turn on the car)

6)The update will go automaticly, it might be two situations:

A, When it go, it might show the android interface, in this case, it will show you a process bar, you can see the bar and know their process.  
it need to wait for it, be patience, don't cut off the power duiring update.

B, When it go, it not show the android interface , it mean it might go in factory car interface, in this case, there is no process bar on the screen, 
but it working, thus you need to wait about 7-8 mintues, Then remove U-disk from the USB.

(Tips: to avoid it update in factory car interface, you can first go to android menu, and play the music from " media",  then power off the car (in android music mode),

when you power on again, it will go to the android menu)

You need more patience to wait for it. the software is very big (over 1 GB), it need to copy and renew all the files.

usually it will take not less than 5-6 mintues, better wait about 7~8 mintues, please be patience with it.

Notice: During update the software, NOT cut offer the power!


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